Flight Simulator Lesson Tutorial Videos

The idea lab Skyward Flight Simulator training has changed to better facilitate the progression of lessons and to make it easier for you, the student, to learn the content. Students will now view the content prior to attending your scheduled lesson. Video tutorials will not replace the in-person lessons—these will allow you to watch and learn from home prior to your lesson.  Each week you will sit with your instructor and review the information you learned that week. This style of learning will enable you to start flying right away. It is recommended you watch each video several times. There is an index in the description of each video so you can go directly to a specific part of each lesson.

There are a few things to remember before you begin your lessons:

  • All lessons, documents, videos, and/or any media produced by the MCLS idea lab Skyward Flight Simulator program are for entertainment purposes only.
  • None of what you learn here may be used in real world aviation.
  • If a certified flight instructor contradicts anything you learn here, the certified flight instructor is correct.
  • These videos are for the MCLS idea lab Skyward Flight Simulator program but any flight simulator enthusiast is welcome to view them.

The lessons are:


This video is an introduction to the Martin County Library System's Flight Simulator training program.

Lesson 1 - Aviation Familiarization
We’ll teach you a lot about the simulator, and about the airplane. This is a long video, but very important.

Lesson 2 - Controlling the Airplane
The nuts and bolts of flying. This is where you learn to control most of what an airplane can do in the air.

Lesson 3 - Getting It Going
We will go over the walk around, checklists, startup, taxi, and takeoff in this lesson.

Lesson 4 - Finishing It Off
What goes up must come down. You will learn to approach and land in this lesson.

Lesson 5 - Finding Your Way
This lesson will teach you to get from point A to point B.

Lesson 6 - Putting It All in Place
Your solo preparation and practice lesson. Practice as often as you can.

These videos cover all the aspects of your hands-on lesson. It is recommended you watch them several times prior to taking your lesson. You will sit with an instructor and go over the details which you learned in the videos, and get to practice them. Your instructor will guide you through the lessons and help you understand what you’re doing.

At the conclusion of your sixth lesson you will be scheduled to take a solo test. It is recommended you pay close attention and practice this solo test.

Upon “graduating” and receiving your solo certificate, you are cleared to operate the simulator without instructor supervision.

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