NOTICE: We are accepting applications for the following SHIP strategies: Water/Sewer Hookup, Down Payment Assistance and Rental Assistance. We are not accepting SHIP Rehabilitation applications until further notice.

What is SHIP?

The State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) Program is administered by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation. It provides funds to local governments as an incentive to create partnerships that produce and preserve affordable home ownership. SHIP funds are distributed on an entitlement basis to all 67 counties and 52 Community Development Block Grant entitlement cities in Florida.

Local Housing Assistance Plan (LHAP): The Martin County Human Services Department administers this grant program for the County and develops the three year Local Housing Assistance Plans for the program.

You may be eligible for the SHIP program if:

  • You are a Martin County resident
  • You are the homeowner and the home is your primary residence
  • Your household income falls within the specified guidelines
  • Your home’s market value (determined by the Property Appraiser) does not exceed $560,154
  • You complete the SHIP application and provide required documentation
  • Note: Mobile homes are not eligible

These rates are valid until updated.

Household Income Range

Members in Household



























The Martin County Rental Assistance is designed to assist renters that are either in arrears with their rental payment(s) or to obtain a lease on a rental unit. The assistance provides funding for the first and last month's rent, plus a security deposit for a new rental.

Assistance for clients in arrears shall consist of no more than three (3) months of rental payments. A documented hardship is required.

Applicants must meet SHIP program guidelines regarding income and the rental limits associated with their income bracket. Please see the chart below.

Percentage Category Income limit by number of persons in household Rent limit by number of bedrooms in unit
  1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
30% 17,800 20,350 24,860 30,000 35,140 40,280 476 621 814
50% 29,650 33,900 38,150 42,350 45,470 49,150 794 953 1,101
80% 47,450 54,200 61,000 67,750 73,200 78,600 1,270 1,525 1,761
120% 71,160 81,360 91,560 101,640 109,800 117,960 1,906 2,289 2,643


It is important to note program funding is limited and subject to availability on a first-come, first-served basis.

How to apply for rental assistance:

Please call to set up an appointment to drop off your completed application and copies of the required items listed above to:

Human Services Department
435 SE Flagler Avenue
Stuart, FL 34994

Incomplete applications will not be accepted or processed until all documentation is received. Once your application has been reviewed, you will receive a letter with further instructions.

If you have any questions, please call Human Services at 772-288-5456. You will receive a call back within 48 hours.

How to Apply

To apply for the SHIP Program, please access our Online Application Portal, then select "Register." Once you create an account, you will be able to submit an application. For any questions, please call us at (772) 288-5456.

If you are unable to register and complete the application online, please call us at (772) 288-5456 to schedule an appointment, and we will arrange for you to complete the application in our office.

Any applications not submitted within 60 days will be considered inactive.

Martin County Human Services
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
435 SE Flagler Avenue
Stuart, Florida 34994
(772) 288-5785