What are CRA Architectural Design Standards?
CRA Architectural Design Standards are vital guidelines that ensure new developments and renovations within community redevelopment areas maintain a cohesive, aesthetically pleasing, and functional built environment. These standards are crucial for preserving the unique character and enhancing the overall quality of our community.
Who Decides CRA Architectural Design Standards?
The establishment and implementation of CRA Design Standards involves a diverse group of stakeholders, including:
- County staff
- CRA Board and Neighborhood Advisory Committees
- Developers and builders
- Architects and urban planners
- And most importantly, YOU—the community members!
Why Are CRA Architectural Design Standards Important?
Adhering to CRA Architectural Design Standards fosters development that:
- Respects the area's unique identity
- Enhances public spaces
- Protects the value of public and private investment
- Improves the quality of growth and development
- Serves as a tool for designers and their clients to use in design decision-making
By following these standards, we can ensure that our communities thrive while maintaining their distinctive character and charm!