What is Readers' Advisory?

Readers' Advisory is the process of a librarian helping you find what book you want to read next. Library staff love to help patrons find their next favorite book, movie, or resource!

Sign-up for our book recommendation lists via the form below and sign up for our Library Newsletter to stay up-to-date. These are some of the sources we use to find read-a-likes and ratings: 

NoveList: Provides comprehensive information on books including reviews, articles, and appeal factors so similar books can be found by pace, tone, writing style, and more.

Common Sense Media: An excellent source for ratings, reviews, and parent guides for other media like movies, TV, games, podcasts, and apps.

Beanstack: If you use our Beanstack system to log your reading and activities for our Adult Summer Reading, Youth Summer Reading, Winter Reading Challenge, or other programs, then you can elect to receive recommendations from Beanstack too!

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