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Launched in 1997, Art in Public Places, a Martin County Board of County Commissioners program, serves the community by acquiring works of art sponsored by the County to promote the spiritual, intellectual and aesthetic enrichment of Martin County through public art.

Currently, there are 24 public art pieces and projects on display in Martin County, including sculptures, mobiles, stained-glass windows, murals, mosaics, benches and photographs. The first piece of public art was installed at the Hobe Sound Public Library in 2001. And since 2017, the Art in Public Places inventory has increased by 60 percent!

Public Art Advisory Committee

A statue titled "The Poet" located at the Hobe Sound Library

In 2017, the Martin County Board of County Commissioners appointed the Community Redevelopment Agency Board members as the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC). These seven Committee members are tasked with reviewing and managing the County’s Art in Public Places program regarding the selection, purchase, lease or commission of new public art and the maintenance and repair of the current public art inventory.

The PAAC strives to make each work of art relevant to the building and surrounding neighborhood. Community members, building staff (for example: firemen or librarians) and the architect are often asked to serve on a project subcommittee when a project will be sited at a newly constructed County facility.

With the subcommittee input, the PAAC determines a theme or purpose for the public art, chooses a selection method, selects an artist, approves the public art, and brings it to the Martin County Board of County Commissioners for final approval.

Program FAQs

In general, public art is defined as works of art sponsored by the County for display in public places like parks, courthouses, libraries, community centers and fire stations.

In the last 30 years the types of public art have expanded from sculptures and paintings to include murals, tile mosaics, stained glass windows, furniture, iron gates, landscapes, eco art and almost anything that an artist can make or design.

There are a variety of methods for selecting and acquiring public art as described in the Art in Public Places Program Manual.

Public art may be located at a newly constructed or remodeled County building or park that budgeted for the public art as part of its construction budget or at another public facility, park or County or State-owned land in Martin County recommended by the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC).

Chapter 13, Martin County Code of Ordinances requires a set-aside of 1% of new or remodeled county construction (except such projects located at the Martin County Airport or constructed with bond proceeds) to be budgeted for public art. In any fiscal year when there is no revenue from this set-aside, the County allocates $50,000 to the Art in Public Places program.

The funds are distributed to art (70 percent), project support (20 percent) and long-term conservation (10 percent). Public art may be located at a newly constructed or remodeled County building, park, public facility or County or State-owned land in Martin County as recommended by the Public Art Advisory Committee.

No. The Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) can recommend taking the funding generated from a construction or remodel project and spend the dollars for public art at another public place in the County.

The Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC) selects the locations for new public art, approves the scope of work for call to artists, selects the artists, artwork, and location for recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners.

All public art is publicly accessible. Public art located outdoors is available for viewing 24 hours a day or during park or facility hours. Public art located indoors can be seen during the hours that the building is open to the public.

  1. The public is welcome to attend the meetings of the Public Art Advisory Committee (PAAC). The PAAC meets approximately six times per year in the Commission Chambers on the 1st floor of the Administration Building at 2401 SE Monterey Road in Stuart, Florida. View upcoming meeting dates, or contact the Office of Community Development at (772) 221-2487.
  2. Those wishing to receive communications regarding the Art in Public Places Program can sign up for our newsletter. Be sure to select "Art in Public Places" from the email listing.
  3. The PAAC will sometimes appoint citizens to special subcommittees to assist with art projects. If one of the upcoming projects is near your home or business, please contact the Office of Community Development at (772) 419-6951.

Contact Us

For any additional questions about the Art in Public Places Program, please contact the Martin County Office of Community Development or our Community Development Coordinator at (772) 419-6951.