
Jensen Beach Mooring Field, Jensen Beach, Florida

The Jensen Beach Mooring Field is a 56-vessel mooring facility at a 8 ft depth located offshore of the Jensen Beach Causeway, at 2402 NE Causeway Blvd., on the Indian River Lagoon.

This facility features moorings constructed of high quality steel helix anchors coupled with Helmken "StormSoft" upline buoy systems designed to accommodate vessels up to 50 ft.


  • Restrooms & shower facilities
  • Laundry facilities (washers & dryers only accept quarters; cost is $2.00/washer load $1.50/dryer load)
  • Dedicated mooring field dinghy dock. 
  • Vehicle parking (available on a first-come, first-served basis)
  • Weekly pump out service
  • Trash receptacles & recycling available
  • Boat ramp access
  • Free Wi-Fi (available at mooring facility - network name is "mcpublic" or "jbmooring")

The facility accepts transient and long-term moorage customers, and only accepts seaworthy vessels, properly titled and registered, in full compliance with federal, state and local maritime laws and regulations.



  •  Daily $30.00 + tax
  •  Weekly $180.00 + tax
  •  Monthly $400.00 + tax

How to Make a Reservation

  1. Select “Make a Reservation” to proceed with the reservation of a buoy. Click the "Done" button once you have completed the digital waiver and the system will take you to the reservation platform.
  2. A confirmation will be emailed to you with reservation details and the access code for upland amenities.

Be prepared to provide the following information: insurance name, policy number, policy limits, expiration date, boat registration number, phone number, email address, the vessel's length, width (beam), draft, and name.

If you need help with your reservation, please call (772) 320-3184 or email jbmooring@martin.fl.us.


  • Mastercard
  • Visa
  • AMEX
  • Discover

  • Proof of your vessel’s registration for stays of thirty (30) days or more.
  • Proof of Marine Liability Coverage (All Risk Policy) for stays of thirty (30) days or more including hull, bodily injury, property damage and pollution insurance with a minimum coverage limit of $300,000 per occurrence for any vessel 40 feet and under and $500,000 per occurrence for any vessel 41 feet up to 50 feet, which is the maximum boat length allowed.  
  • For stays of thirty (30) days or more Martin County shall be named as an additional insured.  See Agreement form for details. 

Late arrivals and early departures are not eligible for a refund.

Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing by contacting the Harbormaster via email at JBmooring@martin.fl.us. All requests must be accompanied by a buoy number and the name of the person that made the reservation.

The following cancellation policy will apply:

Cancellation Policy:

  • Daily reservations: cancellation requests must be made 24 hours prior to 12:00 p.m. on the reservation’s arrival date to be eligible to receive a full refund, MINUS a one-time cancellation recovery charge of $10.00.  Cancellations that do not meet the allotted time frame will not be eligible for a refund.
  • Weekly reservations: cancellations must be made 5 days prior to 12:00 p.m. on the reservation’s arrival date to be eligible to receive a full refund, MINUS a one-time cancellation recovery charge of $10.00.  Cancellations that do not meet the allotted time frame will not be eligible for a refund.
  • Monthly and long-term reservations: cancellation requests must be made 15 days prior to 12:00 p.m. on the reservation’s arrival date to be eligible to receive a full refund, MINUS a one-time cancellation recovery charge of $10.00.  Cancellations made within 15 days prior to 12:00 p.m. on the reservation’s arrival date will be subject to a 20% cancellation fee in addition to the one-time cancellation recovery charge of $10.00.

In the event the Mooring Facility closes due to Tropical Storms, Hurricanes, or required maintenance, customers will receive a refund for the duration of the closure.

Yes, we have a dinghy dock with secure gate code access. We ask our guests to tie up with one line and not side-tie their dinghy; this will ensure access and availability for everyone. Please do not tie up in front of the Harbormasters boat lift.

Yes. The Martin Ship Pump Out Program (M.S. POOP) vessel provides pump-out services.

MS POOP comes out on Tuesday Mornings usually before 11 a.m.  To request a pump out, please call 772-260-8326 the day before (Monday) and leave a short message on their answering machine requesting a pump out, including your name, buoy #, boat name, and the mooring field you are at.  Only leave one message to avoid filling out their voicemail and blocking others from signing up.

Please note that the recording at the beginning of the message refers to Sunset Bay, which is another Mooring Facility.  Ignore the instructions to contact your Dockmaster to get put on a sign-up list.  

Upon registration, a 4-digit code with instructions to access the amenities will be provided.

The Jensen Beach Mooring Field does not offer a shuttle service. We strongly encourage all our guests to have dinghys so you can access our amenities at your convenience.

If you have a medical or police emergency, please call 911 or hail the Coast Guard on Channel 16. If there is a facility maintenance emergency (not with your vessel), please call (772) 834-1943.

8 ft on average at low tide. On a very low tide, buoy 50 has been reported to be at 6 ½ ft. Be careful on the very northeast side of the mooring field when entering from the north, just under the causeway. It tends to be on the shallow side.

For those having deeper drafts, entering the mooring field from the middle or even from the back of the field will ensure a safer passage.

Yes. Downtown Jensen Beach has multiple restaurants within walking distance.

Visit Discover Martin for a listing of nearby attractions and restaurants.

Yes. Parking is available on a first-come, first-served basis only. All vehicles must be parked in designated parking areas only. All vehicles must be operable and properly licensed.

Yes, a freshwater line is available on the dinghy dock. 

The on-land facility does not have a deliverable mailing address with US Mail and other mail-carrying services. We recommend that you call Mail Box Plus of Jensen Beach at (772)-334-5200 to set up mail and package delivery options. 

The Jensen Beach US Post Office allows forwarding of mail to their location for pickup as well. Call in advance at (800) 275-8777 to confirm. Their address is 2301 NE Savannah Rd, Jensen Beach, FL 34957.

Amazon does deliver to our facility when instructions with gate codes are included, but be aware that if Amazon uses a third party like Federal Express or UPS, they will not deliver.

The Mooring Facility will accommodate Liveaboard vessels. A Liveaboard is defined in the Jensen Beach Mooring Facility Sovereign Submerged Land Lease as a Vessel moored at the facility and inhabited by a person or persons for any five consecutive days or a total of ten days within a 30-day period. Liveaboard status at the facility will not exceed six months within a 12-month period, nor shall any such Vessel constitute a legal primary residence.


A mooring field is a legally defined area within a body of water. Mooring buoys provide an organized, secure way to protect boats and the environment. Customers of the Jensen Beach Mooring Field are assigned a mooring and can then secure their boat to the mooring buoy, which is attached to permanent anchors.

Mooring fields are beneficial to the environment, as the use of mooring buoys helps protect sea grass and the sea floor from anchor dragging. Pump-out services are required for boats in the mooring field, and the illegal discharge of solid or liquid waste into the waterway can be substantially curbed. Mooring fields are also beneficial to safety, the local economy and the boating community. Learn more at martin.fl.us/Mooringfields.

The Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) provided $500,000 towards the construction costs for the Jensen Beach Mooring Field. The Florida Inland Navigation District is a special State taxing district for the continued management and maintenance of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICW), commonly referred to as the M-95 marine highway. FIND was created by the Florida Legislature in 1927 to be the State local sponsor for the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway.

FIND plays two key roles in Florida's marine industry: to perform the functions of the "local sponsor" of the Federally-authorized Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) project and a portion of the Okeechobee Waterway project in Florida, both of which are State/Federal navigation projects, and to provide assistance to other governments to develop waterway access and improvement projects.

Along with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, FIND maintains the ICW along the east coast of Florida.  As the local sponsor, FIND provides all the upland land parcels, including right of ways, for the management of dredged materials removed from the waterway.

Additional Resources

Contact Us

Jensen Beach Mooring Field Logo

Jensen Beach Mooring Field

2402 NE Causeway Blvd
Jensen Beach, FL, 34957

27.25° N | 80.22° W


VHF channel 16, or by phone at (772) 320-3184 (main line) or (772) 834-1943 (cell)