Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

A folder that says Emergency Plans

In 1995, House Bill 911 was signed into legislation requiring all health care facilities to have Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP) developed by each facility and then reviewed by the local emergency management office for compliance to the specific state criteria.

The purpose of this bill was designed to reinforce the concept that health care facilities, as part of doing business, are responsible for their own residents not only during normal business operations, but also during emergency situations.

Preparing health care facilities to work through emergencies in times of need will protect lives and property. This will allow health care facilities to continue to provide and take responsibility for services to their clients; and will require them to do so during emergency situations.

In addition to the CEMP, Chapter 58A.5, Florida Administrative Code requires nursing homes and adult living facilities to submit an Emergency Environmental Control Plan (EPP) for the required generator.

Who needs a CEMP and EPP?

Currently, the facilities that are required by Florida Statutes (F.S.) and Florida Administrative Codes (F.A.C.) to develop and submit a CEMP and/or EPP plan for review are as follows:

  • Adult Day Care Facilities – F.S. 400.562 and F.A.C. 58A-6.011 (10)
  • Ambulatory Surgical Centers – F.S. 395.1055 (1)(c) and F.A.C. 59A-5.015
  • Assisted Living Facilities – F.S. 400.141 (1)(b) and F.A.C. 58A-5.024 (1)(j)
  • Hospitals – F.S. 395.1055 (1)(c) and F.A.C. 59A-3.078
  • Nursing Homes – F.S. 400.23 (2)(g) and F.A.C. 59A-4.126
  • Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled – F.S. 393.067 (9)
  • Residential Treatment Centers – F.S. 252 and F.A.C. 65E-9

Plan Review Fee Schedule

Effective January 1, 2024, Martin County Emergency Management Agency will begin charging fees for reviewing your Comprehensive Emergency Management Plans (CEMP) and Emergency Power Plans (EPP). Chapter 252 of Florida Statutes requires County Emergency Management Agencies to review and approve healthcare facility’s CEMPs. The Statutes also gives County Emergency Management Agencies the authority to charge facilities for this review [Chapter 252.38(e)].

The below fees are based on the fees listed in Chapter 27P-20.003 – Plan Review Fee, Florida Administrative Codes.

CEMP Review Fees:

  • New Facility Review - $93.75 (3-hours review time) and $31.25 each additional hour
  • Annual Review - $62.50 (2-hours review time)
  • 2nd Revision Review - $62.50
  • 3rd Revision Review - $62.50

EPP Review Fees:

  • New Facility Review - $62.50 (2-hours review time)
  • Annual Review - $31.25 (1-hour review time)
  • 2nd Revision Review - $31.25
  • 3rd Revision Review - $31.25

Emergency plans are to be developed by each individual facility that addresses all the required criteria found in the Agency for Healthcare Administration's criteria crosswalks and the appropriate requirements found in Florida Statute and the Florida Administrative Code.

Each year, CEMP and/EPP plans must be submitted, reviewed, and approved by a county Emergency Management Agency for compliance in addressing those criteria.

The crosswalk documents identify the minimum criteria to be used when developing a CEMP for residential health care facilities.

The crosswalk serves as the required plan format for the CEMP and will also serve as the compliance review document for Martin County Emergency Management upon submission for review and approval pursuant to Chapter 252, Florida Statutes (F.S.).

These criteria satisfy the basic emergency management requirements of 400, Part II, Florida Statutes, but are not designed to provide specific emergency medical planning guidance.

There are several supporting documents that should be submitted with your plans. Please review the helpful links provided below to access this information. 

CEMP Submissions

Effective January 1, 2024, the Martin County Emergency Management Agency is implementing the online portal service for submitting initial reviews and revisions for CEMPs and EPPs. Hardcopy plans of any CEMP/EPP will no longer be accepted.

The new submission system for CEMPs/EPPs is simple and easy to use. With the new system, you can find the submission history, review progress, and stay informed throughout the submission and review process with a notification system. A step-by-step guided submission process will assist users in providing all necessary information, reducing errors, and ensuring completeness in each submission.

We strongly recommend that you review the information below to ensure you have all the required and supporting documents:

  1. Review the crosswalk(s) for accurate and complete information.
  2. Agreements and/or contracts for transportation and with alternate facilities for evacuation must be updated annually. Multi-year agreements or contracts must have proof, with dates/signatures, of annual review by both parties.
  3. Your plan must contain the most current and up-to-date information you have on file. Remove older out of date information before submitting the plan.
  4. Double check that the administrator has signed the attestation page for the EPP.
  5. Do not submit the only copy of your plan you have. You must always have multiple copies on hand at your facility.

Contact Us

If you have any additional questions or need assistance, please contact us.

Martin County Emergency Management
800 SE Monterey Road
Stuart FL 34994
(772) 287-1652