Martin County Florida
In The Spotlight
9/11 Memorial Tribute Ceremony
Please join us as the USA 911 First Responders once again host the 9/11 Memorial Tribute Ceremony in Palm City. The event will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at 7 p.m. at the Peter and Julie Cummings Library. The event includes performances by OPUS, wreath, candle lighting and rose laying ceremonies, bagpipers, and a variety of guest speakers.
2024 Martin County Senior Games Registration Now Open!
Are you an active senior? Participate in the annual Senior Games, which will be held at various locations and dates throughout Martin County from October 18-26, 2024. Participants ages 50 and older can compete in 5-year age bracket increments in a variety of competitive sporting events.
US-1 Congestion Management Project - Public Survey
The Martin MPO is working to reduce congestion and improve efficiency for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians along the US 1 corridor, from the south side of the Roosevelt Bridge to the Martin/St Lucie County line. Martin and St Lucie residents have until the end of September to complete this quick survey.
Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. Martin County would like to remind residents about the importance of being prepared should a hurricane threaten our area. Review our hurricane preparedness page for information and resources.
Free After-School Programs
Martin County Parks and Recreation offers FREE After School Programs at three convenient locations! Don't miss out on enrolling your child; space is limited! Youth who live in Martin County and attend a Martin County Elementary, Middle, or High School are eligible.
CRA Architectural Design Standards
The CRA's Architectural Design Standards are being refreshed to be more flexible and practical, much like a fresh coat of paint revitalizes a home. We've been working with the community to ensure these updates reflect your needs. Review the proposed changes, attend our public meetings, or share your thoughts. Together, we can preserve our community’s unique character while embracing positive change!
2023 Drinking Water Quality Report now available
Read how Martin County Utilities and Solid Waste provides residents and businesses with reliable water, sewer, and reclaimed water management services.
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