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Apply for a Board or Committee

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There are numerous boards on which citizen participation is encouraged. To learn about all the various boards and committees in Martin County, please select the "Boards and Committees" button to view a list of all the boards and information about each one.

If you are an individual interested in volunteering for a board or committee, all current board vacancy opportunities will be listed under the "view current board vacancies" tab below. All individuals serve without compensation and are requested to apply for Appointment to Martin County Administration. Florida law prohibits an advisory board member from doing business with its agency (the County). Section 112.313(3) and (7), Fla. Stat.

Board of Zoning Adjustment for Commission District 5 (Commissioner Ciampi) - must be a registered voter in Commission District 5 for at least 1 year

Construction Industry Licensing Board - a consumer representative who is not and has never been a member or practitioner of any profession regulated by the Construction Industry Licensing Board

Community Development Block Grant Citizen Advisory Task Force - a resident of unincorporated Martin County

Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - At-Large members who must be Martin County residents

applications due February 28

How to Apply

If you would like to apply for a board vacancy position, please select the "Request for Help or Information" button below to submit a request, indicating which board you are interested.  Please be sure to include your full contact information. If you have any additional questions about board/committee vacancies or the application process, please contact Donna Gordon.