
DCF infographic outlining coalition prevention activities

It takes a village to raise a child. We have all heard this phrase at one time or another. The adults, businesses, schools, government, and religious organizations in our community have a lot to do with the way our young people think and act. Substance use effects the whole community.

Martin County services, law enforcement, fire rescue, hospitals and other agencies are all effected by members of the community using and abusing drugs and alcohol.

Additionally, the expense, risk to personal safety and other consequences connected to this behavior are felt by our entire community.


Whether you are a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent, coach or have any interactions with young people you can help by promoting a healthy lifestyle and reinforcing the benefits of avoiding drugs and alcohol.

  • You can coach, mentor, volunteer and/or support organizations that enrich lives and support those in crisis.
  • You can prohibit access to any medications you may have and properly dispose of them when they are no longer needed.
  • You can call 855-21TOBUY and report stores, restaurants or clubs selling alcohol to those under 21 years old. 
  • You can pledge to never provide alcohol or a place for consumption of alcohol to those under 21 years old.

If you are a business that sells alcohol or tobacco, you can post signage to signal to patrons that you check ID. You can provide responsible beverage server and other trainings to your staff.

Most importantly, you can refuse to sell alcohol, vape or tobacco products to anyone under 21 years old.


If you need someone to speak to now, please call one of the helplines below or click the links for more information: