Martin County Florida
In The Spotlight
Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) Public Input Survey
Martin County is in the process of updating the Local Mitigation Strategy Plan. Natural and human-caused hazards present risks to all Florida communities. We want to hear from you to better understand and define the range of hazards and risks present in our local community.
US-1 Congestion Management Project - Public Survey
The Martin MPO is working to reduce congestion and improve efficiency for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians along the US 1 corridor, from the south side of the Roosevelt Bridge to the Martin/St Lucie County line. Martin and St Lucie residents have until the end of September to complete this quick survey.
2024 Martin County Senior Games Registration Now Open!
Are you an active senior? Participate in the annual Senior Games, which will be held at various locations and dates throughout Martin County from October 18-26, 2024. Participants ages 50 and older can compete in 5-year age bracket increments in a variety of competitive sporting events.
AlertMartin Emergency Alerts
AlertMartin is a free service provided by Martin County that allows Emergency Management, Fire Rescue, Utilities, Martin County Sheriff's Office and municipal partners to send important public safety messages and other timely warnings by phone, text or email.
Hurricane Preparedness
Hurricane season begins June 1 and ends November 30. Martin County would like to remind residents about the importance of being prepared should a hurricane threaten our area. Review our hurricane preparedness page for information and resources.
Water Wisely! Help Protect our Water Resources
Did you know that Martin County has year-round landscape irrigation conservation measures in place? These measures limit landscaping and lawn irrigation in unincorporated Martin County to two days a week and include restrictions on times watering is allowed. Help protect our water resources and ecosystems for future generations!
2023 Drinking Water Quality Report now available
Read how Martin County Utilities and Solid Waste provides residents and businesses with reliable water, sewer, and reclaimed water management services.
Your County. Your Newsletter.